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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

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National Dong Hwa University (Institution)

National Dong Hwa University is a research-based, teaching-oriented institution with great promise and potential in many areas. Through the steady addition of new academic programs over the next decade, National Dong Hwa University will eventually consist of the following nine colleges in humanities, natural sciences, engineering, management, social sciences, indigenous Studies, environmental...

Relevancy: 100%

Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Consumer Protection, Lower Saxony (Institution)

The tasks covered by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Consumer Protection, will be supported by a variety of subsidiary service agencies. Some of the tasks are also covered by local authorities and public corporations.

Relevancy: 100%

Federal Plant Variety Office (Institution)

The Bundessortenamt is an independant senior federal authority under the supervision of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. It is responsible for granting of Plant Breeders' Rights, the registration of varieties in the National List and for variety and seed affairs. To the functions of the Bundessortenamt belongs also the co-operation at the advancement variety and seeds-legal framework...

Relevancy: 100%

Institute of Botany (Institution)

The Institute of Botany, Leipniz University of Hannover is currently divided into four working groups with different content focus

Relevancy: 100%

NPZ-Lembke (Institution)

NPZ-Lembke is partner in various national and international research projects and is coordinator of projects, e.g. “NPAUS 2000” a cooperative project of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technology. NPZ-Lembke has created a network of international relationships in 25 countries and is represented by subsidiaries or partnerships in France, England, Ukraine, Canada, Australia...

Relevancy: 100%

FLI - Institute for Animal Welfare and Animal Husbandry (Institution)

Starting from the purposes of the institute of animal welfare and animal husbandry there are 4 different scientific working domains. These domains are well coordinated with each other. The fields are necessarily basic as well as application orientated. The 4 working domains are belaboured in 3 departments - Husbandry and Behavior - Molecularbiology - Physiology

Relevancy: 100%

Research Center Landscape Development and Mining Landscapes (Institution)

The Research Center Landscape Development and Mining Landscapes is a central scientific unit of the Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus. It co-ordinates the interfaculty research field 'regional change and landscape development'.

Relevancy: 100%

Plant Breeding Unit (Institution)

Plant Breeding is one of the cutting-edge areas of agricultural research. With a tool box encompassing a wide spectrum of modern methods, the objective at Göttingen is to identify optimum combinations among them. To obtain maximum benefit from the genetic resources both classical approaches (interspecific crosses, release of mutations, quantitative genetics and selection theory, high-throughput...

Relevancy: 100%

Saatzucht Steinach GmbH (Institution)

Today we offer our customers a profitable range of forage and lawn grasses, legumes, green manures as well as specialised crops. On our Steinach’s breeding stations we test the varieties across a wide range of soil and climatic conditions and produce the basic seed. We then multiply the varieties further on our own 4500 ha of land. Valued business partners at home and abroad can have varieties...