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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

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International Programme on Chemical Safety (Institution)

The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS), established in 1980, is a joint programme of three Cooperating Organizations - WHO, ILO and UNEP, implementing activities related to chemical safety. WHO is the Executing Agency of the IPCS, whose main roles are to establish the scientific basis for safe use of chemicals, and to strengthen national capabilities and capacities for chemical...

Relevancy: 100%

World Health Organization (Institution)

WHO ist die leitende und Koordinierende Behörde für Gesundheit innerhalb der Vereinten Nationen. Sie ist verantwortlich für globale Gesundheitsfragen, die Agenda in der Gesundheitsforschung, Normen und Standards, Aufzeichnung pragmatischer politischer Optionen, die fachliche Unterstützung der Länder und die Überwachung und Bewertung der gesundheitlichen Trends.

Relevancy: 100%

BfR - Division 7: Chemicals and Product Safety (Institution)

The Chemicals and Product Safety Department assesses chemical substances that fall under the European chemical law (REACH Regulation (EC) 1907/2006). The objective is to ensure toxicological assessment, health risk assessment for consumers and the identification and initiation of necessary risk mitigation measures in accordance with the REACH Regulation. Assessments are also carried out with the...

Relevancy: 100%

The European Chemical Industry Council (Institution)

To maintain and develop a prosperous chemical industry in Europe by promoting the best possible economic, social and environmental conditions to bring benefits to society with a commitment to the continuous improvement of all its activities including the safety, health and environmental performance

Relevancy: 100%

Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (Institution)

The ATB's task is to create process-engineering bases for sustainable land-use management and to provide innovative technical solutions for industry. By combining scientific and engineering findings, especially in the field of new technologies such as biotechnology and information technology, with economic and social science expertise, ATB aims to ensure that the newly developedATB main building...

Relevancy: 100%

ATB Department 1 Bioengineering (Institution)

n modern agriculture, the use of products formed by microbial metabolism via bioengineering processes has become indispensable. However, neither the processes in which microorganisms are applied have been optimised, nor have innovative fields of application yet been fully exploited. Therefore the research approach of the Department of Bioengineering aims to develop new biotechnological methods...