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Department of Landscape Ecology (Institution)

The teaching of the Department of Landscape Ecology is focused on the qualifications of students, and foreign doctoral fellows for professional goals in science, the environment, engineering, and consulting service sector and service work in the Third World (tropics and subtropics). The teaching and research in the department, will help anthropogenically caused pressures and intervention in...

Relevancy: 100%

Institute for Landscape Management (Institution)

Landscape Management covers a wide range of topics and focuses not only on the physical features of the environment, but also the edaphic, climatic and ecological aspects, the social dimensions of the inhabitants and the interactions between all of these. This broad field of research demands an equally extensive array of research methodologies for the various research projects conducted at the...

Relevancy: 100%

Department of Ecology and Ecosystem Research (Institution)

Research focuses on experimental plant ecology and ecosystem research. The Botanical Garden - Section Experimental Ecology (New Botanical Garden) is integrated into the department.

Relevancy: 100%

Department of Agronomy (Institution)

Task of the Department of Agronomy is to improve production systems in terms of environmental and resource conservation , and the lessons learned. The development of environmentally-friendly land use systems is focus of the work in Goettingen.

Relevancy: 100%

Department of Economics (Institution)

At the Institute a workgroup is investigating international economic relations with development countries, development theories and developement politics. The geographical focus is on Africa.

Relevancy: 100%

Forest Inventory and Remote Sensing (Institution)

With effect from 18.07.2007, the Bureau of Göttingen University, the restructuring of the Faculty of Forestry and forest ecology in the two major institutions Büsgen Institute and the Institute Burckhardt. The Institute for Forest Inventory and forest growth (IWW) was as a department of forest inventory and remote sensing (AWF) in the Burckhardt Institute transferred.

Relevancy: 100%

Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung (Institution)

Under the roof of the Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung (SGN), six research institutes and three natural history museums in Germany conduct research in bio- and geoscieces and display science and scientific findings.