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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

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Relevancy: 100%

BMBF - Innovationsräume Bioökonomie (Funding programme)

currently unavailable

Funding period: 2022 - 2027

Relevancy: 100%

BMBF - KMU-innovativ: Bioökonomie (Funding programme)

Um die Nachhaltigkeitsziele der UN-Agenda 2030 (Sustainable Development Goals) und die Klimaziele, die 2015 in Paris von der Weltgemeinschaft verbindlich vereinbart wurden, zu erreichen, ist der weitere Auf- und Ausbau einer nachhaltigen biobasierten Wirtschaft, der Bioökonomie, unabdingbar. Mit der im Januar 2020 beschlossenen Nationalen Bioökonomiestrategie legt die Bundesregierung die...

Funding period: 2020 - 2030

Relevancy: 100%

BMBF - Neue Produkte für die Bioökonomie (Funding programme)

currently unavailable

Funding period: 2021 - 2030

Relevancy: 100%

BMEL - Research and Innovation Program Climate Protection in Agriculture (Funding programme)

The goal of the program is to support research and innovation projects that make a significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture. Funding is provided for projects in the following five key areas: -  GHG emission reduction, energy saving and production through alternative propulsion technologies without fossil fuels as well as renewable energies (including the...

Funding period: 2023 - 2026

Relevancy: 100%

DFG - Walter Benjamin-Programm (Funding programme)

The Walter Benjamin Program enables scientists in the qualification phase following their doctorate to independently implement their own research project at a location of their choice. The project can be carried out at a research institution in Germany or abroad, with the host institution supporting the project.

Funding period: 2019 -

Relevancy: 100%

BMEL - Climate Protection Measure Humus (Funding programme)

As part of the "Climate Protection Programme 2030", the Federal Government's Humus Programme pursues the overarching goal of increasingly activating the carbon storage potential of agriculturally used soils.

Funding period: 2023 -

Relevancy: 100%

EIT Food (Funding programme)

At EIT Food, our mission is to transform how food is produced, distributed, and consumed and to increase its value to European society. We will achieve this by solving the biggest innovation challenges through trusted industry, education and research partners working together with informed and engaged citizens.