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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

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BfR – Department 3: Department Exposure (Institution)

At the BfR, the Department Exposure is responsible for the methodological standardisation and performance of exposure assessments in the field of food and product safety as well as in implementation of the REACH Regulation. In the area of poison and product documentation and in close cooperation with the eight German poison information centres, the Department draws on population-based information...

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Institute of Biological control (Institution)

The Institute for Biological control deals with the exploration and development of environmentally friendly crop protection measures based on natural opponent of pests and diseases in agriculture and forestry.

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Hydrology Research Group (Institution)

keine Angabe

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Trifolio-M GmbH (Institution)

The focus of the Hessian Trifolio-M GmbH lies in the development of cleaning and manufacturing processes for plant ingredients. These are particularly important in view of their use as botanical pesticides, called Botanicals examined. In the center of this work is currently the Indian Neem tree (Azadirachta indica). It contains many ingredients in plant protection but also in medical...

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Health Protection Agency (Institution)

The Health Protection Agency's role is to provide an integrated approach to protecting UK public health through the provision of support and advice to the NHS, local authorities, emergency services, other Arms Length Bodies, the Department of Health and the Devolved Administrations. The Agency was established as a special health authority (SpHA) in 2003.

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Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (Institution)

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust is made up of two of London’s most well known teaching hospitals. The hospitals have a long history, dating back almost 900 years, and have been at the forefront of medical innovation and progress since they were founded. Both hospitals have built on these traditions and continue to have a reputation for excellence and innovation.

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Medical Toxicology Unit (Institution)

The Medical Toxicology Unit (MTU) was initially established as Guy’s Poisons Unit in 1963 to provide a poisons information service, and in 1967 moved to its own premises in South East London and opened a laboratory. The MTU is now part of the Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and provides a wide range of clinical toxicology services. We are dedicated to the provision of medical toxicology...