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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

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10 of 23597 Results


Relevancy: 100%

Chair for Urban Water Systems Engineering (Institution)

Our research activities are centered around sustainable, energy-efficient urban water and wastewater systems, energy recovery from wastewater and anaerobic technologies, storm water treatment and management, microbial systems, engineered natural treatment systems, advanced water treatment (membrane- and oxidation hybrid processes), water recycling, and state-of-the-art analytical tools for...

Relevancy: 100%

Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology (Institution)

Fraunhofer FEP supports partners from industrial and public sectors with customized services to transfer research into applications. We provide consulting from the concept stage right to industrial implementation, for instance in the up-scaling of technologies for coating of large area surfaces roll-to-roll at a high deposition rate. Our core areas of expertise are electron beam technology,...

Relevancy: 100%

proPlant Agrar- und Umweltinformatik GmbH (Institution)

proPlant designs and develops innovative software solutions that are tailored to practical field conditions and requirements. The range of services comprises the development and marketing of our products through our Agrisolution Unit. Our project partners are also offered professional consulting in information technology by our Assistance Team as well as the development of Custom IT solutions....