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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

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Hessian Agency for the Environment and Geology (Institution)

The HLUG is a technical and scientific environmental authority within the organizational framework of the Hessian State Ministry for the Environment, Rural Development and Consumer Protection (HMULV). Dedicated and competent professionals of various disciplines are working together in order to investigate and evaluate the key media of our environment – water, soil and air. They are in charge of...

Relevancy: 100%

International Society for Horticultural Science (Institution)

The aim of the ISHS is “to promote and to encourage research in all branches of horticulture and to facilitate cooperation of scientific activities and knowledge transfer on a global scale by means of its publications, events and scientific structure'. Membership is open to all interested horticultural researchers, students and organizations. The International Society for Horticultural Science -...

Relevancy: 100%

Horticulture Research International - Wellesbourne (Institution)

Warwick HRI is a department of the University of Warwick

Relevancy: 100%

UCD School of Agriculture, Food Science & Veterinary Medicine (Institution)

The mission of the School is to develop and apply science and engineering scholarship to problems in animal health and welfare, human health, food systems and agriculture for the benefit of society through excellence in teaching and research. The School supports the indigenous agri-food and animal health industries in Ireland by educating students to become industry leaders and by conducting...

Relevancy: 100%

Institute of Food Safety (Institution)

RIKILT - Institute of Food Safety is a Dutch independent scientific organisation. We carry out high-grade research into the safety, health and quality of Dutch food and feed and provide consultanc y services to national and international governmental authorities.