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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

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Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (Institution)

The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources is committed to sustainable use of natural resources and protection of the human habitat. As a neutral institution feeling responsible for the future we advise ministries and the European Community and act as partners in industry and science. The leading motive of our daily work is Improvement of Living Conditions by Sustainable Use of...

Relevancy: 100%

Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (Institution)

The Federal Office of Agriculture and Food (BLE) is a federal authority. In the areas of agriculture, fisheries and foodstuffs the BLE fulfils a wide range of tasks. It is a central implementing authority within the scope of business of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

Relevancy: 100%

Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants – Julius Kühn-Institut (Institution)

JKI activities are centred on cultivated plants as such. The Institute does research in the fields of plant genetics, cultivation of crops, plant nutrition, soil science, plant protection and plant health. Its broad competence enables the JKI to develop holistic concepts for crop cultivation as a whole, ranging from crop production to plant care.

Relevancy: 100%

Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (Institution)

The characteristic feature of BfR’s work is its scientific, research-driven approach. The public agencies responsible for risk management can draw on the Institute’s health assessments and management options. The BfR reports and recommendations are an important decision making aid for measures for all interested circles. By means of its science-based risk assessment, BfR provides important...

Relevancy: 100%

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Institution)

The BMBF has many different tasks at national level within the framework of its responsibilities under the Basic Law. They include: - Legislative, policy and coordination tasks for non-school initial and continuing vocational training, - Research promotion,- Legislation on training assistance and the funding thereof (in conjunction with the Länder),- The promotion of gifted school students,...

Relevancy: 100%

Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Institution)

The responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) is about safe food, economically viable farms and environmentally and socially intact rural areas. The portfolio of the BMEL includes e.g. six Federal Research Centres. In these centres, several institutes carry out research projects relevant for developing countries.

Relevancy: 100%

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (Institution)

The Federal Environment Ministry's sphere of responsibility also embraces three federal agencies with a combined total of more than 1,880 employees: the Federal Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt), the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Bundesamt für Naturschutz) and the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz). The ministry also receives advice in the form...

Relevancy: 100%

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Institution)

Today, development cooperation is seen as global structural and peace policy. It aims to help to resolve crises and conflicts in a peaceful manner. It aims to help to ensure that scarce resources are more equitably shared, and that our environment is preserved for coming generations. And it aims to help reduce poverty. In order to achieve these goals, development policy must target different...