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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

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State Museum for Natural Sciences (Institution)

One of the larger life science museums in Germany.

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BIOMIN (Institution)

Relevancy: 100%

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University of Bonn (Institution)

The University of Bonn is one of the world's leading research based Universities and therefore it is no surprise that we operate on an international level. We particularly specialize in the fields of research and teaching and this has led to our evolving into the position of a truly prominent international institution.

Relevancy: 100%

University of Bremen (Institution)

Among the fundamental principles distinguishing the Bremer Modell are a willingness to experiment and flexibility. The result: steadily improved positioning in the research rankings, national acclaim, and a high profile of interdisciplinary research specialisations. Research 'made in Bremen' has been right at the top for many years now. The outstanding quality of research is not least due to the...

Relevancy: 100%

University of the Saar State (Institution)

With its numerous degree programmes and the variety of final qualifications offered (Diplom, Magister, state examinations and, increasingly, bachelor and master qualifications), Saarland University provides the broad spectrum of disciplines typical of a classical universitas litterarum. The more traditional subjects such as business administration and economics, law and medicine are just as much...

Relevancy: 100%

University of Duisburg-Essen (Institution)

Located in the heart of the Ruhr metropolis, the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) is one of the youngest and largest universities in Germany. The courses range from the humanities and social sciences over economics and business studies all the way to the engineering sciences and natural sciences (including medicine). It's also wellknown in the international scientific community.

Relevancy: 100%

Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (Institution)

The Heinrich-Heine University is committed to its patron name: Brilliant intellect, broad-minded spirit and heart, tolerance towards other people and opinions, commitment to the culture of Europe and the city of Dusseldorf - life, work and legacy are a permanent incentive of the Heinrich Heine University. In the spirit of their namesgiver it is a particular concern of the Heinrich Heine...

Relevancy: 100%

Goethe University of Frankfurt/Main (Institution)

Goethe University offers a variety of 170 undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate study programs in 16 academic departments, make your choice and, and help yourself to full information. Following the Bologna Protocole the majority of study programs will be modularized and will be available as bachelor's and master's degree programs.