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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

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10 of 23597 Results


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N.L. Chrestensen Erfurter Samen- und Pflanzenzucht GmbH (Institution)

In the fifth generation meanwhile N.L. Chrestensen GmbH is engaged in plant breeding, variety maintenance and seeds production of horticultural seeds in blooming Borntal in Erfurt, Germany. We cultivate over 1500 ha breeding land and 10000 m² greenhouse area to grow popular N.L.Chrestensen breedings for seed extraction. Planting, cultivation and harvest place a high demand on horticultural...

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Elsner pac® Jungpflanzen GbR (Institution)

A family company with a long tradition - foundet 1889. License placing world wide. Elite and young plant production. Breedeing of pelargonium. Laboratory.

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Schweisfurth Foundation (Institution)

The Schweisfurth Foundation supports small-scale agriculture that is both animal-friendly and organic. Established in 1985, the Foundation is one of the early pioneers of the Green Movement.