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CropLife International A.I.S.B.L. (Institution)

CropLife International is a global federation representing the plant science industry.

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Department of Gene Technology and Microbiology (Institution)

directory of research objectives of Department of Genetechnology and Microbiology, Bielefeld University

Relevancy: 100%

Grassland Group (Institution)

Our goal is to further the understanding of the ecological and physiological mechanisms underlying grassland production and its other services and functions. We conduct studies at many scales – from the region to the cell. We also develop new methodologies for grassland research and other biological and environmental sciences.

Relevancy: 100%

Department of Landscape Ecology (Institution)

Our research includes environmental, landscape planning and nature conservation work and work which reflects the ideological and political environment of ecology, landscape planning and nature conservation. Our teaching focuses on the deepening direction landscape planning - formerly landscape care – in the Faculty of landscape architecture and landscape planning. We also offer training courses...

Relevancy: 100%

Chair of Vegetation Ecology (Institution)

Our research and teaching activities concentrate on dynamics of natural vegetation , ecology of agricultural systems , global change ecology and restoration ecology , linking the areas of population, community and ecosystem ecology.

Relevancy: 100%

Institute of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management (Institution)

The activities of the institute are mainly interdisciplinary, research deals also with economic, environmental and engineering components. There are intensive contacts with chairs of other faculties in the TUM as well as chairs or other universities to external institutions.

Relevancy: 100%

Chair of plant ecology (Institution)

The institute is part of the Faculty of Biology.

Relevancy: 100%

Institute of Plant Physiology (Institution)

Projects of our institute are aiming at elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying plant metal homeostasis, metal tolerance and metal hyperaccumulation. Plants under investigation are Arabidopsis thaliana and its close relative Arabidopsis halleri, which grows, for instance, on medieval mining sites in the Harz mountains.

Relevancy: 100%

Special Botany and Mycology (Institution)

The Chair of Special Botany and Mycology of the University of Tübingen, Germany, has been led by Prof.Dr. Franz Oberwinkler for the last 25 years. About 40 people work on the systematics, ecology and interactions of fungi and higher plants.