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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

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Section of Agricultural Entomology (Institution)

Research within the Entomology Section focuses on biotic and abiotic interactions between plants, herbivorous pests and their natural enemies in agricultural ecosystems. Using basic data obtained from this research, systems are developed for integrated pest control in different crops.

Relevancy: 100%

Department of Nutritional, Food and Consumer Studies (Institution)

The Department of Nutritional, Food and Consumer Studies sees itself as a knowledge transfer service provider in the market areas: food industry, lifestyle and wellness, health and pharmaceuticals, construction and housing and environmental management.

Relevancy: 100%

Institute for Application Techniques in Plant Protection (Institution)

The Application Techniques maintains and publishes a list of equipment which fulfils current legal requirements. If there is any doubt about certain equipment, the JKI may ask for the equipment to be sent in, will test it, and, if necessary, withdraw it from the list. Manufacterers, importers or distributors may also have their equipment inspected on a voluntary basis.

Relevancy: 100%

Fulda University of Applied Sciences (Institution)

Fulda University of Applied Sciences covers a broad spectrum of academic and professional education. The Departments of Applied Computer Science, Business Administration, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Food Technology, Nursing and Health Sciences, Nutrition, Food and Consumer Sciences, Social and Cultural Sciences and Social Work teach numerous first-degree programmes,...

Relevancy: 100%

Chinese Academy of Sciences (Institution)

Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is a leading academic institution and comprehensive research and development center in natural science, technological science and high-tech innovation in China. It was founded in Beijing on 1st November 1949 on the basis of the former Academia Sinica (Central Academy of Sciences) and Peiping Academy of Sciences.