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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

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Department of Biological Sciences (Institution)

The Biosciences Department is currently comprised of three Institutes and several Work Groups (see navigation bar on left). Research and the curriculum in these Institutes deal with all levels of organismal integration, i.e. from ecosystems down to molecular structures.

Relevancy: 100%

Central Institute for Decision Support Systems in Crop Protection (Institution)

The ZEPP creates, processes and improves computer-aided decision support systems in crop protection to predict the occurrence and to assess the infestation as well as recommendations for the control of pests and diseases on cultivated plants.

Relevancy: 100%

Institute of Sciences of Food Production (Institution)

he main focus of ISPA is to develop research projects which will improve the quality and safety of agri-food production, using technologies with minimal environmental impact. ISPA's action is in line with the national and European research policy and is carried out using a multidisciplinary approach based on competencies in various disciplines (chemistry, toxicology, microbiology, biotechnology,...

Relevancy: 100%

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hannover (Institution)

Teaching and research, practice orientation, further education and internationality characterise the efficiency of the Hochschule Hannover (HsH), the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hanover.

Relevancy: 100%

French Agency for Food Safety (Institution)

Afssa is a public independent organism contributing through monitoring, alert, research and research instigation to the protection and improvement of public health, animal health and welfare, vegetal and environmental health.