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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

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Agroecology Department (Institution)

Main research in agroecology is on patterns and mechanisms of biodiversity and ecological functions in agricultural landscapes. This includes the relative importance of local and regional scales as well as bottom-up and top-down effects with respect to the regulation of population size in multitrophic food webs. Such basic ecology is related to the conservation and enhancement of beneficial...

Relevancy: 100%

Agroecosystem Research Department (Institution)

Department for agricultural system research of the University Bayreuth

Relevancy: 100%

Department of Agro Pedology (Institution)

The sub-section Agropedology is part of the Department of Crop Science in Agricultural Sciences Faculty of the Georg-August-University of Goettingen.

Relevancy: 100%

Section of Agricultural Engeneering (Institution)

One focus of the Institute (founded in 1851) is on Agricultural Technology in the Tropics. Cooperation with countries in tropical and subtropical regions started in the 50ties.

Relevancy: 100%

Division of Soil Science and Soil Physics (Institution)

Our research is devoted to the process investigation, measurement and model description of water and material flows in soils and the interactions with adjacent compartments.

Relevancy: 100%

Deparment of Entomology and Plant Protection (Institution)

The main focus is research in the field of biological and integrated pest management. Areas of agriculture as well as and greenhouse cultivation are considered.

Relevancy: 100%

Experimental Ecology and Ecosystems Biology (Institution)

The main research focus of our department is the causal analysis of plant interactions and vegetation pattern formation.

Relevancy: 100%

Section for international economic law (Institution)

The section is part of the institute of International and European law.

Relevancy: 100%

Division of Plant Pathology and Plant Protection (Institution)

The Division of Plant Pathology and Crop Protection of the University of Göttingen comprises four sections of the Department of Crop Sciences of the Georg-August University of Göttingen: Agricultural Entomology, General Plant Pathology and Crop Protection, Molecular Phytopathology and Mycotoxin Research and Plant Virology. Within the institute, mainly the departments of mycology and entymology...

Relevancy: 100%

Institute for Ecological Plant Physiology and Geobotany (Institution)

The Department of Geobotany at the HHU deals with the documentation, abstraction and analysis of the causes of the occurrence and distribution of plant species and plant communities in space and time.