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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Projects on "2.16 Studies to reduce risks for humans, animals and the natural balance which may arise from the use of pesticides and plant protection procedures"

Development and improvement of methods for the risk/benefit assessment of the efficacy of plant protection products

Project code: JKI-A-08-003
Excutive institution: Institute for Plant Protection in Field Crops and Grassland
Contract period: 2001 - 2008


Development and improvement of test methods for the risk assessment of honey bees

Project code: JKI-BS-08-5
Excutive institution: Institute for Bee Protection
Contract period: 2008 - 2019


Development of a combat method with entomopathogenic nematodes against the tomato-pest complex in Egyptian tomato cultivation

Project code: JKI-BI-08-1238
Excutive institution: Institute of Biological control
Contract period: 2015 - 2019


Development of a method for a optimal separation sequence as function of the characterization of complex mixtures for the isolation of value components derived from plant extracts - succeeding proposal

Project code: JKI-ÖPV-08-1317
Excutive institution: Institute for Ecological Chemistry, Plant Analysis and Stored Products Protection
Contract period: 2015 - 2018


Development of a method for evaluation of drift potential in a wind tunnel for nozzles with 25 cm spacing

Project code: JKI-AT-08-1122
Excutive institution: Institute for Application Techniques in Plant Protection
Contract period: 2015 - 2018


Development of a method for testing maize sowing machines with redard to reducing drift from seed dressing dust

Project code: JKI-AT-08-1101
Excutive institution: Institute for Application Techniques in Plant Protection
Contract period: 2009 - 2011


Development of criteria for risk reduction in the cut flower production

Project code: JKI-GF-02-009
Excutive institution: Institute for Plant Protection in Horticulture and Forests
Contract period: 2001 - 2013


Development of criteria for the assessment of benefit and evaluation of the benefit of herbicides

Project code: JKI-A-08-015
Excutive institution: Institute for Plant Protection in Field Crops and Grassland
Contract period: 2001 - 2008


Development of field hygiene concepts to ensure sustainable rapeseed production

Project code: JKI-A-08-1172
Excutive institution: Institute for Plant Protection in Field Crops and Grassland
Contract period: 2010 - 2012


Development of method for assessment of dust drift and risk assessment of dust drift for honeybees

Project code: JKI-BS-08-4
Excutive institution: Institute for Bee Protection
Contract period: 2009 - 2019


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