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Determination of pyrrolizidin alkaloids in milk and milk products – Carry Over Study



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Project code: BfR-LMS-02-1322-360
Contract period: 01.01.2007 - 31.12.2009
Purpose of research: Applied research

Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are found in plants growing in most environments and all parts of the world. The main sources are the families Boraginaceae (all genera), Compositae (tribes Senecionae and Eupatoriae), and Leguminosae (genus Crotalaria), and the potential number of alkaloid-containing species is as high as 6000, or 3% of the world's flowering plants. They have long been known to be a health hazard for livestock, at least since 1902 ,and loss of livestock in various parts of the world has been traced to their grazing on certain plants growing in pastures, especially following periods of droughtor in arid climates. So at first as contaminants of silage PAs are a potential animal health risks. At second PA can be transferred into animal products like milk and milk products, so PAs will be a human health risk too. Aim of this study is to develop an analytical method for the determination of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in feeds and milk/ milk products.

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BMEL Frameworkprogramme 2002

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