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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Finished Projects on the research sub-aim "Dietary habits"

Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - corporate activities as a treatment option for consumers

Project code: 04HS047
Excutive institution: Institut für Markt-Umwelt-Gesellschaft e.V.
Contract period: 2005 - 2006


ISAFRUIT - Increasing Fruit consumption through a trans disciplinary approach leading to High quality produce from environmentally safe, sustainable methods.

Project code: 16279
Excutive institution: Department of Horticulture
Contract period: 2006 - 2010


NUTRISENEX - Improving the quality of life of elderly people by co-ordinating research into malnutrition of the frail elderly

Project code: 506382
Excutive institution: Department of Nutritional Sciences
Contract period: 2004 - 2007


Food Consumer Science in the Balkans: Frameworks, Protocols and Networks for a better knowledge of food behaviours (FOCUS-BALKANS)

Project code: 212579
Excutive institution: Swiss Association for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas
Contract period: 2008 - 2011


PERFluorinated Organics in Our Diet (PERFOOD)

Project code: 227525
Excutive institution: University of Amsterdam
Contract period: 2009 - 2012


Food labelling to advance better education for life (FLABEL)

Project code: 211905
Excutive institution: The European Food Information Council
Contract period: 2008 - 2011


Molecular targets open for regulation by the gut flora new avenues for improved diet to optimize European health (TORNADO)

Project code: 222720
Excutive institution: Karolinska Institute
Contract period: 2009 - 2013


Targeted delivery of dietary flavanols for optimal human cell function: Effect on cardiovascular health (FLAVIOLA)

Project code: 226588
Excutive institution: Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Contract period: 2009 - 2012


Effect of diet on the mental performance of children (NUTRIMENTHE )

Project code: 212652
Excutive institution: Universidad de Granada
Contract period: 2008 - 2013


Mechanisms of early protective exposures on allergy development (EFRAIM)

Project code: 211911
Excutive institution: Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
Contract period: 2008 - 2012


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