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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Projects on "Plant protection"

Platform for plant protection strategies in organic farming

Project code: 2811OE036
Excutive institution: Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft e.V.
Contract period: 2011 - 2014


Practice guide: diseases and pests in the medicinal and aromatic plant cultivation

Project code: 2806OE118
Excutive institution: Campus Klein-Altendorf
Contract period: 2008 - 2010


Premunization (cross protection) as a new strategy to control phytoplasma diseases in fruit production: Apple proliferation as case study

Project code: 2811NA062
Excutive institution: Institute for Plant Protection in Fruit Crops and Viticulture - Fruit Cops
Contract period: 2012 - 2016


Preparation of a field study to measure the copper content of soils in organic farming and the impact on earthworms

Project code: 2809OE015
Excutive institution: Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants – Julius Kühn-Institut
Contract period: 2009 - 2010


Preventive cultivation planning in faba beans and field peas to avoid key-pest incidence and to enhance yield stability (WP1)

Project code: 2815EPS056
Excutive institution: Central Institute for Decision Support Systems in Crop Protection
Contract period: 2016 - 2019


Preventive cultivation planning in faba beans and field peas to avoid key-pest incidence and to enhance yield stability (WP1)

Project code: 2815EPS057
Excutive institution: State Institute for Agriculture, and Horticulture Saxony-Anhalt
Contract period: 2016 - 2019


Preventive cultivation planning in faba beans and field peas to avoid key-pest incidence and to enhance yield stability (WP1)

Project code: 2815EPS023
Excutive institution: Department of Organic Agricultural Products
Contract period: 2016 - 2019


Promotion of functional biodiversity to control the cabbage whitefly

Project code: 2812NA016
Excutive institution: Institute of Horticultural Production Systems Department Phytomedicine
Contract period: 2013 - 2016


Prospects of controlling the aspargus fly in integrated and ecological crop cultivation

Project code: 2815NA151
Excutive institution: Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen, Hanover
Contract period: 2017 - 2020


Prospects of controlling the aspargus fly in integrated and ecological crop cultivation

Project code: 2815NA177
Excutive institution: Institute for Plant Protection in Horticulture and Forests
Contract period: 2017 - 2020


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