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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Coordinated projects of "University of Kassel"

Innovative animal-friendly husbandry methods for organic pig and cattle farming within the framework of the amended EU Organic Regulation

Project code: 2822OE071
Excutive institution: University of Kassel
Contract period: 2022 - 2022


Characterisation of functional traits for sustainable and ecological use of the domestic chicken - University Kassel

Project code: 2819OE170
Excutive institution: University of Kassel
Contract period: 2022 - 2025


New strategies for the reduction of disease on organic broiler farms with special consideration of the gut microbiome

Project code: 2821OE011
Excutive institution: University of Kassel
Contract period: 2022 - 2025


Site-specific modelling of N dynamics for the reduction of gaseous N emissions and further N losses in crop production - SP D

Project code: 2822ABS013
Excutive institution: University of Kassel
Contract period: 2023 - 2026


Site-differentiated assessment and crediting of the efficacy of nitrification inhibitors as a climate mitigation measure in crop production - TP E

Project code: 2822ABS020
Excutive institution: University of Kassel
Contract period: 2022 - 2026


Optimization of cheese quality in organic artisanal goat milk processing considering variations in raw milk quality - Universität Kassel

Project code: 2821OE031
Excutive institution: University of Kassel
Contract period: 2023 - 2025


Animal welfare monitoring in organic agriculture – improving animal welfare and making it transparent

Project code: 2822OE120
Excutive institution: University of Kassel
Contract period: 2023 - 2026


Sustainable camel milk production through improved husbandry practices and milk value chain

Project code: 2822NIPSI1
Excutive institution: University of Kassel
Contract period: 2023 - 2023


Improvement of common bunt and dwarf bunt resistance in bread wheat by systematic use of genetic variation - Universität Kassel

Project code: 2822OE183
Excutive institution: University of Kassel
Contract period: 2023 - 2028


Breeding of spelt grain with potential of triple use in organic farming - Universität Kassel

Project code: 2822OE211
Excutive institution: University of Kassel
Contract period: 2024 - 2028


Coordinated projects of subordinate institutions of "University of Kassel"

Development of smart and low energy input processing chains, natural food additives and colourants, and supportive material for a code of practice to increase sustainability and consumer acceptance of organic food stuffs

Project code: 2817OE005
Excutive institution: Agricultural Engineering
Contract period: 2018 - 2021


Development of a database of cheese defects to improve the artisanal milk processing in farmhouse dairies

Project code: EIP-Agri-MP-2018-LPTL01
Excutive institution: Agricultural Engineering
Contract period: 2018 - 2020


Collaborative project: Development of a self-maintaining, digital fence system to promote grazing. Subproject A: Coordination

Project code: 281C212A19
Excutive institution: Agricultural Engineering
Contract period: 2020 - 2023


Collaborative project: Decentralised processing of rarely used plant and animal raw materials into innovative products with high added value to improve the nutritional situation in West Africa. Subproject 1

Project code: 2816PROC01
Excutive institution: Agricultural Engineering
Contract period: 2017 - 2021


Collaborative project: Development of a self-maintaining, digital fence system to promote grazing - subproject A

Project code: 281C212A19
Excutive institution: Agricultural Engineering
Contract period: 2020 - 2023


Collaborative project: Breeding optimisation of honey bees in organic beekeeping using sensors - subproject A

Project code: 281C304A19
Excutive institution: Agricultural Engineering
Contract period: 2021 - 2024


Collaborative project: Systemic optimization of the value chain meat using the example of pig farming through the development and embedding of digital tools - subproject A

Project code: 281A502A19
Excutive institution: Agricultural Engineering
Contract period: 2021 - 2024


Collaborative project: Quality improvement in vegetable production through robot-assisted slug control in bedding crops - subproject A

Project code: 2818809A19
Excutive institution: Agricultural Engineering
Contract period: 2021 - 2024


Modelling of latent heat storage using phase change materials for use in solar drying technology

Project code: 450248664
Excutive institution: Agricultural Engineering
Contract period: 2021 - 2023


Vegetable coal as Poultry litter - Residue Biomass to (Activated) Carbon: Prevent Foot Pad Lesions in Poultry Husbandry

Project code: EIP-Agri-HE-2020-LPLTTSKBUVK
Excutive institution: CliMA-Competence Center forClimate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Contract period: 2020 - 2022


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