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Multiserology via Microarray: A cost-effective diagnostic tool for continuous improvement of animal health and food safety in pig farms (Multiserologie via Microarray)
Project code: ML-Referat 304/EIP-Agri-Nr.27
Contract period: 18.05.2016
- 15.08.2019
Budget: 443,807 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research
Keywords: pest/disease control, food industry, marketing/supply chain
With regard to the occurrence of endemically occurring zoonoses and so-called production diseases in the food chain, the Regulation (EC) No 854/2004 and the EFSA (Scientific Opinion, 2011) demand for serological monitoring programmes. This claim is implemented only for Salmonella in Germany. Therefore, the aim of this study is to establish an information system for zoonotic and production diseases of pigs, which is based on serological tests. This information system should include the interests of all stakeholders along the food chain. In these investigations a microarray will be deployed as an exemplary, serological test platform. Thus, an already existing microarray prototype should be used for detection of relevant pathogens, and should be integrated in the meat inspection system. Furthermore, the information system will be tested in practical trials with 60 pig farms. In this scenario the priority is to evaluate and to optimize the information flow. Moreover, farm specific intervention measures and control plans for food safety should be developed, and practically tested.
Section overview
- Animal health
- Food microbiology
- Toxicology
Funding programme
Excutive institution
Participating institutions
- Bavarian State Ministry
- Erzeugergemeinschaft für Qualitätsvieh im Oldenburger Münsterland eG
- Horticultural and Agricultural Training Center Münster-Wolbeck
- Federal State of Berlin
- The University Court of the University of St Andrews
- Animal Epidemic Fund North Rhine-Westphalia
- Interessengemeinschaft Edelkastanie
- KUHdo GmbH