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Relevance of root growth and related soil structure formation for spatiotemporal patterns of chemical and biological properties and emergent system functions


Production processes

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Production processes

Project code: DFG-403640293
Contract period: 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2020
Purpose of research: Experimental development

A prerequisite for identification of spatio-temporal patterns in the rhizosphere is the localisation of roots in situ as they grow. Roots, being sink and/or source of radial transport processes, are the starting point for pattern formation. At the same time they constantly alter boundary conditions for transport, namely soil structure in their immediate vicinity.We will apply X-ray computed tomography (X-ray CT) and advanced tools of image analysis and registration to investigate the temporal change of root architecture and soil structure in soil column experiments (SCE) and soil plot experiments (SPE) utilizing the main drivers identified for PP 2089, i.e. two Zea mays genotypes differing in root hair formation (WT, rth3) and two textures (sand versus loam). The treatment consortium for lab experiment (SCE) will be extended by Vicia faba as additional plant species in order to cover a larger range of root diameters. For the field we will base the measurements on the extraction of undisturbed soil cores for four growth stages and ingrowth cores for investigation of biopore recycling. For addressing rhizosphere biochemical gradients at lab and field scale we will conduct microscale sampling for 15N and 13C after labelling and chemical imaging of undisturbed subsamples with micro x-ray fluorescence (µXRF). In addition the subsamples used for µXRF will be shared with a number of potential partners of the PP covering a suite of biochemical imaging techniques (DRIFT spectroscopy, zymography, LA-IRMS, Nano-SIMS, ToF-SIMS, fluorescence microscopy, LA-ICP-MS, HIM/SEM-EDX, µXANES/EXAFS, ESEM-EDX, Raman spectroscopy). We will register all 2D data to each other and into the 3D context of the high resolution X-ray CT scan (10 µm), including root age information derived from consecutive whole-column CT scans (40 µm) during growth in SCE. Data will be shared with modelling groups and groups addressing pattern recognition by statistical tools.Our hypotheses relate to the impact of drivers on pattern formation reflected in frequency distribution of root distances, the extent of chemical and soil structure gradients and their change with root age. This is complemented by the comparison of the extent of gradients for different physical, chemical and microbiological parameters at a given time point. We will contribute directly to focal topic iv, indirectly also to i, ii, and iii of PP 2089. As emerging properties/functions we will measure biomass production, nutrient and water uptake as well as soil water retention curve and infiltration at the plot scale.This is the first time ever that such a systematic assessment of plant-related (Z. mays genotypes, V. faba) and soil-related (sand, loam) drivers of self-organisation in terms of root system architecture and age-dependent rhizosphere differentiation becomes feasible.

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