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Optimization of decentral soy bean processing using online process control via near infrared spectroscopy (SojaNIRS)


Project code: 2814EPS022, 5271
Contract period: 01.09.2014 - 31.12.2019
Budget: 487,719 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research

The aim of the research project is to optimize decentral soybean processing using online process control via near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). In order to get better knowledge about the usage of soybean meal as animal feed that comes from different processing methods and intensities, feeding experiments will be carried out with chicken, pullets and laying hens, especially to analyze the small intestine digestion of the amino acids. With the results an online system for process control based on a NIRS calibration will be established. The aim of the online process control is to guarantee for a sufficient reduction of the anti-nutritional components on one hand and on the other hand to avoid overheating with the consequence of destroying amino acids and therefore reducing their digestibility. After successful modeling of the calibration, a NIRS-system will be installed in at least one decentral soybean processing unit. The effects on product quality and resource efficiency will be documented during a monitoring phase. Furthermore, the NIRS-system should be used for monitoring incoming raw soybeans in order to separate them according to their content on anti-nutritional components into uniform batches. In a rented experimental laboratory partially de-oiled soybean meal will be treated with different processing methods in several steps with varying heat intensity for the feeding experiments. The results from these experiments as well as further single soybean samples from the field will be used for modeling the calibration of the NIRS-sensor (e.g. calibration for anti-nutritional components, digestible amino acids). Upon finding the optimal installation site into the respective decentral soybean processing plant and upon integrating the system into the process control of the plant, a trial run and a longer monitoring run using NIRS for online process control will be carried out.

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