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SFB 564: T7 - Transfer of a community-based breeding programme incorporating local breeds into sustainable practice in Son La province, northwest Vietnam


Global Food security

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Global Food security

Project code: DFG SFB 564
Contract period: 01.07.2011 - 31.12.2012
Purpose of research: Applied research

Based on 10 years research of D2 project in the SFB 564 (The Uplands Program), a community-based breeding and research programme is planned to be transferred into a sustainably operating breeding and marketing programme for pork produced with local pig breeds in cooperation with a producer’s association (FBASL), a private breeding institution (NEBA., JSC), the public extension and veterinary service and two research institutions in Germany and Vietnam. By means of a stratified breeding scheme, building on existing organisational structures and links, a horizontal and vertical network is sought to tighten the currently weak links of small-scale pig production to other breeding institutions and conserve local pig breeds in remote regions by profitable utilisation. The indigenous Ban pig will be incorporated in the breeding programme despite its lower production performance, because of its favourable adaptation to the harsh production conditions in remote areas and its considerable marketing potential due to its special quality meat. FBASL will be linked to NEBA, that will supply Mong Cai breeding pigs, assist in access to supply markets, and provide the construction of a regional slaughterhouse for the assurance of quality-controlled local pork products. The programme’s orientation is matched with a multi-pronged demand and supply system in Northern Vietnam, intending to serve three currently existing pork supply chains, each one accounting for a different price segment.

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