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Collaborative project: FUGATO-plus - MeGA-M - Metabolomische and genomic analysis of milk for healthy dairy cows; project Tiho Hanover


Production processes

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Production processes

Project code: 0315131G
Contract period: 01.03.2008 - 31.07.2011
Budget: 105,791 Euro
Purpose of research: Basic research

With the increase in milk production in recent decades is an increase of health and fertility problems associated dairy cows. These problems mean that alarming number of cows early from the production process eliminated. It is generally assumed that the negative energy balance in early lactation and the resulting metabolic stress in the development of the so-called production diseases play a decisive role. Under MeGA-M should be systematically metabolic phenotype (Metabo types) identified that describe how animals with the metabolic stress of early lactation workers and the genetic basis of this Metabotypen investigated. Routinely collected data from three different breeds with different levels of milk production by the country Esko-Troll associations (LKV) in Bavaria, Schleswig-Holstein, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Thuringia made available. These data are the basis for the identification of cows that are in metabolic parameters, such as the fat-protein ratio vary widely. Cows milk samples selected by the LKV as part of normal milk testing available. For the systematic study of the metabolic products in the milk is a metabolomischer approach. Through the production of profiles of all possible metabolic products, the status of an animal fully described. In addition, the hormonal status of animals from the milk samples collected. To carry out genomic studies will be selected from milk samples of DNA isolated. To identify Genvarianten the various Stoffwechselphänotypen based on, 'Whole-genome-association studies. In addition to eleven per stoffwechselstabile and stoffwechsellabile LKV cows because of the data identified, purchased, and undergo thorough physical examinations. MeGA-M for the identification of such biomarkers that are more reliable determination of the metabolic status of cows. At the same time also the foundation for genomic strategies for the systematic breeding stable metabolic of high-performance cows

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