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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Overview of funding institutions

SFB 564: Research for Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountainous Regions of Southeast Asia

Collaborative Project

Coordinating institution: Hohenheim Tropics and Subtropics

The SFB 564 'Research for Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountainous Regions of Southeast Asia', known as 'The Uplands Program' in the partner countries, is a long-term collaborative research program. In the Uplands Program nine universities and research institutes from Thailand, Vietnam and Germany are working together with partners in northern Thailand and northern Vietnam. The Uplands Program was initiated in the year 2000 by the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. The University of Hohenheim has a long-standing tradition of development-oriented agricultural research and maintains contacts and partnerships with more than 50 universities worldwide, and with many renown national and international research organizations. Research and teaching at the University of Hohenheim are characterized by interdisciplinary cooperation across institutes and faculties and are fostered by specific centers, such as the Center for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics. Major emphasis is placed on long-term collaborative research initiatives, such as the Uplands Program. The Uplands Program combines 16 subprojects with 12 disciplines involved ranging from soil, plant and animal sciences to economics and sociology. The third three-year phase started on July 1, 2006 and will end on June 30, 2009, the maximum term is up to 12 years.

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Collaborative Projects

B: Conservation and Interaction of Soil and Water

Leading institution: Institute for Soil Science and Land Evaluation (310)

Research projects

D: Innovations in Integrated Production Systems

Leading institution: Department Crop Physiology of Specialty Crops

Research projects

F: Environmental Valuation, Rural Institutions and Policies

Leading institution: Economics, esp. Environmental Economics and Regulatory Policy (520F)

Research projects

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