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SFB 564: C4.2 - Impact of Intensification on Land use Dynamics and Environmental Services of Tropical Mountainous Watersheds


Rural areas

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Rural areas

Project code: DFG SFB 564
Contract period: 01.07.2009 - 30.06.2012
Purpose of research: Basic research

Subproject C4.1 developed a prototype of the spatially explicit and integrated dynamic land use change impact assessment (LUCIA) tool. In addition, the impact of land use change on nutrient flows and productivity of upland and lowland crops were determined. In phase IV, the goal is to better understand biophysical linkages and drivers of land use changes in upland areas of Vietnam and Thailand and their impact on systems productivity and environmental services. Therefore, several watersheds along a transect of agricultural intensification and market integration will be studied using LUCIA.

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