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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Overview of funding institutions

Community management of crop diversity to enhance resilience, yield stability and income generation in changing West African climates (CLIMATE CHANGE)


Project code: 81103288
Contract period: 01.05.2008 - 30.04.2011
Budget: 1,180,000 Euro
Purpose of research: Basic research

Goal: To enhance farm community resilience, production stability and income generation in West Africa under variable and changing climates Purpose: To assist NARS and farmers to more effectively utilize agro biodiversity of locally adapted, farmer-preferred crops and supporting NRM practices as a buffer against current climate variability and a preparation towards future climate change

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  • Crop Production
  • Plant Nutrition
  • Soil science
  • Agricultural Sociology
  • Resource management
  • Climate Change
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