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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Overview of funding institutions

Projects of "Consumer information / public relations"

13th Rostock Bioenergy Forum

Project code: 22034818
Excutive institution: Faculty for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Contract period: 2019 - 2019


14th Rostock Bioenergy Forum

Project code: 2220NR002
Excutive institution: Faculty for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Contract period: 2020 - 2021


Alert level green! Together towards climate change.

Project code: 2218WK19X5
Excutive institution: Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald, Landesverband Baden-Württemberg e.V.
Contract period: 2020 - 2023


ANALOG - Climate analogies as tools of information and communication in adapting forests of the Nuremberg region to climate change (ANALOG)

Project code: 22WK514402
Excutive institution: Forestry business group Nürnberger Land w.V.
Contract period: 2019 - 2022


ANALOG - Climate analogies as tools of information and communication in adapting forests of the Nuremberg region to climate change (ANALOG)

Project code: 22WK514403
Excutive institution: Forestry business group Heideck/Schwabach e.V.
Contract period: 2019 - 2022


ANALOG - Climate analogies as tools of information and communication in adapting forests of the Nuremberg region to climate change (ANALOG)

Project code: 22WK514404
Excutive institution: Forestry business group Roth und Umgebung e.V.
Contract period: 2019 - 2022



Project code: 22030918
Excutive institution: Polymedia Publisher GmbH
Contract period: 2019 - 2019


Climate analogies as tools of information and communication in adapting forests of the Nuremberg region to climate change - subproject 5 (ANALOG)

Project code: 22WK514405
Excutive institution: Bavarian State Institute of Forestry
Contract period: 2019 - 2022


Collaborative project: Digital Supply Chain Management in Central Europe, standardization of digital data exchange along the wood supply chain (DRMDat)

Project code: 2219NR115
Excutive institution: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rohholzverbraucher e.V.
Contract period: 2019 - 2021


Collaborative projects: Establishment of a biopolymer database; Part 1

Project code: 22023409
Excutive institution: Department of Biochemical Engineering
Contract period: 2010 - 2012


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