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Maturation, quality and yield formation of silage maize in dependence of temperature sum and further climatological parameters


Production processes

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Production processes

Project code: JKI-PB-08-016
Contract period: 01.01.2000 - 31.12.2019
Purpose of research: Applied research

The determination of harvest time in silage maize is a prerequisite for minimizing losses during silage storage and the feedout phase, and for exploiting the yield and forage quality potential of hybrids. With respect to harvest time prediction, models can provide useful tools. The objectives of the present study therefore were to test the suitability of three models for predicting contents of dry matter (DM) and starch: two growing degree (GDD) approaches and the dynamic FOMAQ model, which was originally developed for grass growth and forage quality, and is driven by temperature, solar radiation, and soil water. Model calibration, which was based on a multi-year, multi-site experiment, showed a generally satisfactory agreement between observed and calculated values. The consideration of radiation and soil water availability in the FOMAQ model could improve model fit considerably compared to the GDD models

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Framework programme

BMEL Frameworkprogramme 2008

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