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SFB 564: F1.1 - Resource tenure and management of natural resources in mountainous regions of Northern Thailand and Northwest Vietnam


Global Food security

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Global Food security

Project code: DFG SFB 564
Contract period: 01.01.2000 - 31.12.2003
Purpose of research: Basic research

In this subproject the effects of access to land on management of natural resources in highland regions of Southeast Asia are analysed drawing on case studies in selected watersheds of Northern Thailand and Northern Vietnam. The policies with regard to land tenure regimes in mountainous regions differ significantly between Thailand and Vietnam. Whereas Thailand largely neglects land use rights of ethnic minorities for both forest and agricultural land, Vietnam has started with the allocation of land use certificates for agricultural and forest land to individual households. The purpose of this subproject is to analyse how these policies are implemented and transformed at the local level and to provide insight into the effects of different land use policies on land use planning, natural resource management, adoption of soil and water conservation and other long-term investments, such as planting of fruit trees. Moreover, the different strategies of villagers to sustain their land use rights under various property regimes are analysed. Thus, the subproject will provide valuable information on resource management to other subprojects of the proposed SFB which are concentrating on the development of more sustainable land use practices in the highlands of Northern Thailand and Northern Vietnam. At the same time it will also draw upon the information gained in other subprojects on technical and socio-economic production constraints. Close connections exist with the studies on „Sustainability of mountain farming systems“ (D3), „Rural finance development“ (F2) „Development projects, state administration and local responses“ (F3), “Soil conservation and crop productivity” (B3), “Ecological assessment of barren hills” (C2) and “ Efficiency of smallholder animal husbandry” (D2).

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