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Scientific monitoring of the agrivoltaics demonstration plant in Grub and the pilot plant in Unterallgäu (PilotAgriPV)


Climate change

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Climate change

Project code: G2/N/22/01
Contract period: 01.05.2023 - 30.04.2026
Purpose of research: Applied research

An agrivoltaics plant with 900 kWp is being built in Grub on arable land owned by Bavarian State Estates. In addition, Lechwerke is building another Agri-PV system with 750 kWp on permanent grassland. With these plants, a wide range of agrivoltaics application types shall be demonstrated. In this project, the findings from the previous project "Conception of agrivoltaics systems" will be deepened. In this way, additional results will be generated in order to create a broad data basis and to be able to make recommendations as to which constellations of location, system design and crop are best suited for economically viable and climate-resilient agriculture.

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