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Collaborative project: FUGATO-plus - REMEDY - Reproductive and metabolic problems in the dairy cow; project P1 and P3


Production processes

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Production processes

Project code: 0315128D
Contract period: 01.03.2008 - 28.02.2011
Budget: 224,980 Euro
Purpose of research: Basic research

Fertility problems are a growing problem and now a leading cause of severance cows dar. where the increasing milk yield in a negative correlation to fertility. There are several explanations approaches. The 'Declaration physiological approach assumes that high milk yield and the associated negative energy balance in the high lactation important endocrine functions and cellular / molecular mechanisms in the reproductive organs to be disturbed. These mechanisms are still largely unknown and require a systematic analysis. A 'Statement of genetic approach could be that efficient in the selection of milk production due to genetic linkage or other mechanisms undetected Genvarianten with enriched, which have a negative effect on fertility exercise. Owing to the low Heritabilität currently collected fertility parameters, this can not be ruled out. Presumably are multiple physiological and genetic factors for the increasing fertility problems responsible for their respective contribution remains unclear. The clarification of this issue, however, is of great importance for the development of efficient strategies to solve the problem of declining fertility services for high-performance animals. You must links between milk production, energy balance and metabolic parameters and, endocrine functions, and cellular and molecular mechanisms in the reproductive organs other clarified. For these challenges, we have an interdisciplinary consortium of experts from the fields of animal breeding, animal nutrition, physiology, reproductive biology, functional genomics and bioinformatics. Basis of the planned investigations are used as animal models Hochleistungskühe the German Holstein breeds, German Simmental and Braunvieh, with a view to their energy balance and other metabolic parameters are fully characterized. From a relevant number of high-performance cows, which are comparable in performance in their metabolic situation different, to be defined Laktations-cycle stages and tissue samples from the ovary and Ovidukt and from the endometrium and obtained a detailed cellular and molecular analysis by the respective institution specialized working groups fed. The comprehensive transcriptome, proteome and metabolome data flowing into a common platform for modeling complex biological systems. The integrated approach of the research REMEDY consortium will be possible for the first time, links between metabolic parameters and essential functions in the reproductive tract of the Hochleistungskuh systematically. The election of the first animal models are also rassespezifische differences. In summary, this project represents a new systemic approach to basic research in farm animals. Important prospects for the practice, the identification of new Expressionsphänotypen for fertility and metabolic stability and the development of new array-based diagnostic procedures.

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