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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Overview of funding institutions

Potentials for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions at the energy crop cultivation for the biogas production. Subproject 1: Project coordination and investigation of climate impact on the sites Dedelow and Jena


Project code: ZALF-674
Contract period: 01.09.2010 - 28.02.2015
Purpose of research: Networks and research co-ordination

It is aim of the joint research project to derive precise and generalized statements concerning the NH3 volatilization, changes in the soil carbon stock (soil organic matter) as well as to climate balances, and live cycle assessments in case of energy crop cultivation for the biogas production. This applies especially to the field application of the fermented biogas substrate. Measures for the reduction of the climate effect and the NH3 volatilization shall be derived at the same time.

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  • Plant Nutrition
  • Specialised crops
  • Soil science
  • Renewable Resources
  • Climate Change
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Framework programme

ZALF Research Programme

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