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EPIZONE - Network on epizootic disease diagnosis and control


Food and consumer protection

This project contributes to the research aim 'Food and consumer protection'. Which funding institutions are active for this aim? What are the sub-aims? Take a look:
Food and consumer protection

Project code: 16236
Contract period: 01.06.2006 - 31.05.2011
Budget: 14,000,000 Euro
Purpose of research: Basic research

Epizootic diseases in agriculture and aquaculture animals constitute major risks for the food production. Such diseases spread very fast in high densities of susceptible animals through animals, vectors or animal products. Outbreaks in Europe showed enormo us social and economic impact, and need to be addressed across the whole production chain of animal-related food. The objective of EPIZONE is to improve research on preparedness, prevention, detection, and control of epizootics by improvement of excellence through collaboration. EPIZONE will be developed for integration of scientists in health and production of animals, at the European Level. Benefits of EPIZONE primarily concern consumers and stakeholders throughout the food supply chain but also the agric ulture administrations and biotechnology companies.

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