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SFB 564: T6 - Modelling impacts of land use change on environmental services – from research to implementation


Rural areas

This project contributes to the research aim 'Rural areas'. Which funding institutions are active for this aim? What are the sub-aims? Take a look:
Rural areas

Project code: DFG SFB 564
Contract period: 01.07.2011 - 31.12.2012
Purpose of research: Applied research

The project aims at transferring and implementing modelling approaches for enhanced land use planning to academic and planning partner institutions in Thailand and Vietnam. Landscape scale analysis and scenario development is carried out in cooperation with the local partners. Capacity building for staff of the partner institutions in environmental modelling and systems thinking is complemented by user feed-back to improve the current model. Participatory model validation and analysis of users' demand will enable adjustment and site-specific development of the models.

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