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Production, selection and assessment of lemon balm breeding lines (Melissa officinalis) distinguished by better winter hardiness and higher yields and amounts of essential oil


Production processes

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Production processes

Project code: JKI-ZGO-08-0001
Contract period: 01.12.2014 - 30.06.2018
Purpose of research: Applied research

For desired increase of lemon balm production in Germany varieties at the level of inhomogeneous landraces and some new varieties which cannot substitute the landraces are available. Crucial factor of a new and productive variety is a better total yield of all growing periods. For this the winter hardiness, number of growing periods as well as yield of leaves and amount of essential oil are of special interest. A better variety based on breeding lines will contribute to yield increase, quality improvement, better efficiency and enlargement of lemon balm growing. Multi-year evaluations of material produced in a forerunner project for the current breeding objectives (2014-2017) - Winter hardiness measured in experimental field - Measuring the essential oil content - Measuring the rosmarinic acid content - morphological characters: width and length of leaves, number of nodes, length of shoots, erect or prostrate Habit. Establishing of a performance test at three places for two years (2014 and 2015) for evaluation of new lines from inbreeding process and progenies from crossings. Use of established methods for production of new inbred lines and crossings. Self pollination of genotypes with good winter hardiness and high yield of essential oil from the new gene pool (2014, 2015, 2016). Part of this material will be tested under conditions of agricultural practice (2015 and 2016, Agrarprodukte Ludwigshof e.G., Geratal Agrar Gmbh & Co. KG). The results developed in the project will be published as an example of a crop with leaf utilization. It will be communicated to German growers by oral presentations and workshops. After additional breeding steps the resulting plant material will be offered to growers as protected variety.

Winter hardiness, a better total yield of leaves in all growing periods and amount of essential oil are of special interest for lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.).Field trials were established for evaluation of new lines from inbreeding process and progenies from crossings at three places. Inbred lines were evaluated in level I5 and I6 seeds were harvested. F4 lines of crossbred material with good winter hardiness and high yield of essential oil were evaluated and a F5 seeds were harvested. A second set of breeding lines were tested under conditions of agricultural practice. The results developed in the project were published in some papers.

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Framework programme

BMEL Frameworkprogramme 2008

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