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SFB 564: B2.4 - Probabilistic assessment of the environmental fate of agrochemicals under varying land use in a watershed in Northern Thailand


Environment and ressource management

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Environment and ressource management

Project code: DFG SFB 564
Contract period: 01.07.2009 - 30.06.2012
Purpose of research: Basic research

This subproject aims at assessing the impact of different land use and management options on the loss of agrochemicals from the Mae Sa watershed together with the respective uncertainties. For this purpose, the SWAT model will be coupled with the multi-agent model operated by G1. The results, essentially pesticide loads and concentrations as well as the effectiveness of reduction strategies together with the respective confidence intervals, will be made available to subproject F1 for the assessment of willingness-to-pay for pesticide reduction. The relevance of parameters and other model input will be identified by a global sensitivity analysis. The uncertainty analysis will extend beyond current approaches in that it will not only consider uncertainties, but also the spatial and temporal variability of some of the model inputs (e.g., application pattern, sorption and degradation parameters of pesticides). The validation (and, if necessary, recalibration) of the SWAT model will be based on the regional monitoring program started in the third phase. The installed weather stations, rain gauges, discharge gauges and automatic samplers will be further operated. Pesticide monitoring includes the measurement of pesticide concentrations at the discharge gauges in Mae Sa and Bor Krai in water and sediment samples. In addition to the pesticides investigated in the third phase, water samples in Mae Sa will be analysed for glyphosate. Additional analyses will be performed to evaluate the role of greenhouses as sources of pesticides in the Mae Sa watershed.

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