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SFB 564: G1.3 - Assessment of innovations and sustainability strategies


Rural areas

This project contributes to the research aim 'Rural areas'. Which funding institutions are active for this aim? What are the sub-aims? Take a look:
Rural areas

Project code: DFG-SFB 564
Contract period: 01.07.2009 - 30.06.2012
Purpose of research: Applied research

The subproject uses agent-based modeling to assess the impact of innovations and to simulate changes in land use in the northern uplands of Thailand and Vietnam. For phase IV, the objectives are: First, to deepen our understanding of the complexity of upland farming systems by coupling the agent-based software MP-MAS with the software LUCIA (crop and soil fertility modeling in Vietnam) and with the software SWAT (soil and hydrology modeling in Thailand). Second, to use the software to assess policies and innovations and to make an impact at the farm household and watershed level using participatory research methods.

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  • Agricultural Policy
  • Market Analysis/Marketing Strategy
  • Agricultural Sociology
  • Agroeconomics
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