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NEW-FLUBIRD - Network for early warning of influenza viruses in migratory birds in Europe



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Project code: 44490
Contract period: 01.01.2007 - 30.06.2010
Budget: 1,855,350 Euro
Purpose of research: Networks and research co-ordination

NEW-FLUBIRD will establish a European network of virologists, ornithologists, data managers, epidemiologists and modellers, to provide 'early warning and risk assessment systems' in real time for the threat posed to animal and human health by avian influenza (AI) viruses from migratory birds. The network will build on and extend existing collaborations between AI virologists in Europe, and international ornithological organizations active within and outside Europe. Virological studies will focus on real time monitoring of both low- and highly pathogenic AI viruses in migratory birds along their flyways and at sites of future die-offs, in close collaboration with the ornithological studies. Furthermore they will focus on experimental infection of selected migratory bird species with relevant highly pathogenic AI (HPAI) viruses to determine pathogenesis and excretion profiles. In turn, the ornithological studies will construct migratory route maps and provide samples from migratory birds for virological analyses, thus providing insight in volume and timing of migration as well as key sites of those migratory bird species that pose the highest risk of transmitting HPAI viruses to poultry, and other animals in Europe. All data from virological and ornithological studies will be brought together and integrated NEW-FLUBIRD will seek integration with global early warning system developments of FAO, WHO, UNEP and WCS. NEW-FLUBIRD will closely liase with the relevant EU, other international organizations and policymakers involved in the combat influenza threats posed by AI viruses from migratory birds.

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Excutive institution

Erasmus Medical Center (EMC)

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