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Set-up of methodological approaches on field work to assess copper levels in soils in organic hop farming


Production processes

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Production processes

Project code: JKI-ÖPV-08-1116
Contract period: 01.01.2010 - 30.09.2010
Purpose of research: Experimental development

Organic farming in hop is currently depending on copper-bearing plant protection products. Literature data concerning the effects of copper-bearing plant protection products as well as entries from other copper-bearing sources in agriculture on soil organisms shows that long-term copper application harms several species. So far, there does not exist a valid value for fixing a threshold above which negative effects on soil life are expected, as for a risk assessment further factors e.g. local conditions, way of cultivation (green area, mulching) and the application intensity of plant protection products have to be considered. The intended soil sampling in ecological cultivated vineyards for a representative acquisition of load distribution is part of the monitoring program that connects together with the exposure assessment the acquisition of sensitive indicator species of the particular earthworm conenoses. The project is divided into three phases: planning and coordination, pre-selection of probationary area/evaluation of exposure, reporting and submission of suggestions for the selection of the probationary area.

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Framework programme

BMEL Frameworkprogramme 2008

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