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Excellence Cluster - future ocean



The aim: to increase our understanding of ocean change and its associated potential and risks, in order to enter into a new symbiotic relationship between humans and the sea. In 'The Future Ocean', experts from diverse specialist areas are combining their expertise: For example, lawyers and geoscientists are investigating questions on how and who has the right to exploit resources on the seafloor. Climatologists and economists are working on the question of what conditions make CO2 storage on the seafloor a relevant option. Marine scientists, medics, mathematicians, chemists, engineers and social scientists are dedicating themselves to further questions.

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  • Research


Excellence Cluster - future ocean
Christian-Albrechts-Platz 4
24118 Kiel

Phone: +49 (0431) 880-3030
Fax: +49 (0431) 880-2539
Email: office(@)ozean-der-zukunft.de

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