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HealthyGut - Multi-focal strategies to improve gut health and reduce enteritis in poultry and pigs



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Project code: EMIDA11
Contract period: 01.01.2011 - 31.12.2013
Budget: 2,590,764 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research

The HealthyGut consortium will analyse (i).changes in the gut flora at periods of increased susceptibility, in weaned pig, newly-hatched chickens and hens at onset of lay. From this we will develop bespoke flora preparations for use with laying hens and weaned pigs. (ii).the basis of the rapid, generic innate immunity induced by live, Salmonella- and Mycobacterium-based bacterial vaccines and by the live Eimeria vaccine Paracox and their application to reduce susceptibility to enteric pathogens in pigs and poultry. combining approaches (i) and (ii) in pigs and poultry. The expected outcomes of HealthyGut will be; Information on the changes that take place in the flora at periods of heightened susceptibility to enteric infection Protective flora preparations for use with laying hens and weaned pigs Information on the basis of the rapid, generic protection induced by live, bacterial vaccines and by the Eimeria vaccine Paracox. Candidate live, attenuated generic Salmonella and Mycobacterial vaccines which will be available for use either prophylactically or therapeutically against enteric and other pathogens Demonstration of the effectiveness of bespoke flora preparations and live vaccines singly and in combination in laying hens and weaned pigs. Exploitation will be via the three commercial Partners, Partners 6 and 9 who have international reputations in live vaccines and Partner 8 with a similar reputation in gut flora preparations. The consortium and proposed project fulfils the aims of the EMIDA initiative by: Establishing a highly effective consortium with a long record of collaboration and a proven history of timely delivery. Addressing several of the issues within Topic 3 (Major infectious diseases affecting production), namely developing methods which minimise reliance on the use of antimicrobials, developing methods of immunological intervention through vaccine utilisation and reducing the impact of enteric disease on animal welfare and production costs.

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Excutive institution

University of Nottingham

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