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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Overview of funding institutions

BMBF - Preparatory Measures for International Cooperation

Funding programme

Eligible costs: Personnel, Consumables, Conferences, Travel, Other
Project management agency: BMBF International Office of BMBF at DLR
Funding institution: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Structural goals: Global Integration

The International Bureau provides financial support to German universities, research institutes and small and medium-sized enterprises for cooperation in science and research with partners from selected countries and for work in particular scientific and technical fields. This support is intended to help fund exploratory activities and the preparation of projects. Feasibility studies and pilot investigations may be funded as well. Applicants for funding should take note of country-specific thematic orientations and specific funding initiatives.

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Projects of the funding programme "BMBF - Preparatory Measures for International Cooperation"

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