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SPP 1315: Modification of pore surface physicochemistry in unsaturated media by formation of biogeochemical interfaces - Contact angle analysis and relevance for sorption and transport of solutes and colloids


Environment and ressource management

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Environment and ressource management

Project code: DFG SPP 1315
Contract period: 01.01.2007 - 31.12.2010
Purpose of research: Basic research

The reactivity of soil solid surfaces depends on their surface chemistry and spatial accessibility. Beside geometrical factors such as surface roughness and pore topology, the accessibility of solid surfaces is determined by the interfacial (wetting) properties of the solid and liquid phase as they control the distribution of fluid phases (liquid/gas) in the matrix. The project intends to investigate the impact of solid interfacial properties (solid surface free energy, particle surface charge) on the formation of biogeochemical interfaces and their relevance for transport and sorption of organic chemicals and colloids. Particularly the comparison between saturated and unsaturated porous media will provide information about the importance of the gas-water interface for the transport and sorption behaviour of differently wettable and differently charged colloidal substances and organic chemicals.

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