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SFB 564: B2.2 - Lateral water flow and transport of agrochemicals in an orchard on a hillside in northern Thailand


Environment and ressource management

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Environment and ressource management

Project code: keine Angaben
Contract period: 01.07.2003 - 31.12.2006
Purpose of research: Basic research

n the mountainous regions of Northern Thailand land use has changed significantly in the last decades. Traditional shifting cultivation has been transformed into intensive agricultural systems with permanent cropping and no or short fallow periods. This change in land use has been accompanied by an increased input of agrochemicals (e.g. pesticides). Particularly in sloped areas agrochemicals may be lost to the streams by lateral surface or subsurface flow and then transported to the lowlands. Because there the water from the highlands is used for household consumption, irrigation and other purposes agrochemicals may pose a risk to the local drinking water supply and human health. Subproject B2.2 aims at measuring and modeling water flow and agrochemical transport at the hillslope scale. Special emphasis will be put on lateral surface and subsur-face water flow and solute transport phenomena. Modeling approaches will use the results of the subprojects B1 (water) and B2 (solutes) obtained during the first phase of the SFB 564. Additional micro-trench experiments with nonsorbing tracers and agrochemicals will be carried out to identify the mechanisms of lateral transport. In complementary lab experiments, we will investigate agrochemical sorption-desorption and degradation. To assess the integral agrochemical loss from the orchard along lateral pathways and to gain independent data for model validation, the stream will be equipped with two measuring flumes, which will be sampled depending on the discharge in high temporal resolution.

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