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Joint research project “Organic soils” – Acquisition and development of methods, activity data and emission factors for the climate reporting under LULUCF/AFOLU


Climate change

This project contributes to the research aim 'Climate Change'. What are the sub-aims? Take a look:
Climate change

Project code: vTI-AK-08-47
Contract period: 01.03.2009 - 31.12.2012
Purpose of research: Applied research

Accounting for 2-5% of the German greenhouse gas emissions, drained peatlands are the largest single source besides the energy sector. Thus, the compilation of the national greenhouse gas inventory according to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change requires the application of country-specific emission factors depending on climate region, soil type and land use as well as a complete set of activity data. The joint research project “Organic Spoils”, which is financed by the vTI and coordinated by the TU Munich (M. Drösler), aims at the acquisition of a comprehensive activity data set (soils, hydrology, land use) and reliable emission factors for CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions from organic soils. Besides detailed measurements in 11 test area, modelling and regionalisation approaches will developed. Finally, management scenarios and decision support systems will be implemented.

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Framework programme

BMEL Frameworkprogramme 2008

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