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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Overview of funding institutions

Projects on "4.8 Advancement of renewable resources for sustainable and increased substitution of fossil fuels and fossil / mineral resources and assessment of technological, economic, environmental and social aspects"

Joint Project BEST: strengthening bioenergy-regions - new system solutions in the field of ecological, economic and social requirements - Subproject: Ecological landscape features, innovation and optimization, Ecological Impact Assessment, Socio-economic evaluation, implementation and participation

Project code: 033L033A
Excutive institution: Forest Ecosystems Research Center
Contract period: 2010 - 2014


Joint Project BEST: strengthening bioenergy-regions - new system solutions in the field of ecological, economic and social requirements - Subproject: Energy use of grassland in an agroforestry system

Project code: 033L033G
Excutive institution: Department of Grassland Science and Renewable Plant Resources
Contract period: 2010 - 2014


Joint Project BEST: strengthening bioenergy-regions - new system solutions in the field of ecological, economic and social requirements. Work package SÖB 2 (socioeconomic assessment): Local value added analysis

Project code: TI-FO-08-3.25
Excutive institution: Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics
Contract period: 2012 - 2014


Joint project: Open all year optimized heat from an agricultural biogas plant on a dairy farm through the inclusion of cooling processes with significant economic impact and positive environmental impacts

Project code: 2807UM002
Excutive institution: Breeding Center eG Gleichamberg
Contract period: 2008 - 2010


Joint project: Open all year optimized heat from an agricultural biogas plant on a dairy farm through the inclusion of cooling processes with substantial economic effect and positive environmental impacts.

Project code: 2807UM004
Excutive institution: Department Claus Berg
Contract period: 2008 - 2013


Joint research project: Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from rapeseed cultivation with special focus on nitrogen fertilization; Project part 1: Site-specific GHG-calculation of rapeseed cultivation

Project code: TI-AT-08-PID1694
Excutive institution: Institute of Agricultural Technology
Contract period: 2015 - 2016


Parametrization of physical and chemical properties of liquid biofuels of the 1.5th generation

Project code: vTI-AB-08-60415
Excutive institution: Institute of Agricultural Technology
Contract period: 2010 - 2012


Production and upgrading of 2,3-butandiole from biomass

Project code: vTI-HTB-08-9
Excutive institution: Institute of Wood Research
Contract period: 2009 - 2011


Production of butanol from bioethanol by heterogeneous catalysis (Guerbet-Butanol)

Project code: TI-AT-08-PID1657, 22014614
Excutive institution: Institute of Agricultural Technology
Contract period: 2015 - 2018


Production of Organic Acids for Polyester Synthesis

Project code: TI-AT-08-60421
Excutive institution: Institute of Agricultural Technology
Contract period: 2013 - 2016


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