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SFB 564: B5.1 - Fate of agrochemicals in integrated farming systems in Son-La province, Northern Vietnam


Environment and ressource management

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Environment and ressource management

Project code: keine Angaben
Contract period: 01.01.2006 - 01.01.2009
Purpose of research: Basic research

In Son La province, Northern Vietnam, many irrigated farming systems include ponds in which small-scale farmers raise fish to produce additional food and income. The main field crops in this area are paddy rice and maize. Often, irrigation water is first used in paddy fields, before it flows to the fishponds. Because farmers regularly apply considerable amounts of agrochemicals, mainly insecticides, to field crops fish production suffers. Moreover, agrochemicals may enter the human food chain. Subproject B5.1 will study the fate of agrochemicals applied in two subcatchments near Yen Chau, Son La province. Investigations will be carried out in close collaboration with A1.3, B4.1, C4.1, D5.2, and G1.2. In the two subcatchments, fishponds have been investigated by D5.1 since 2003. We will carry out a survey of the subcatchments with special emphasis on the water distribution systems (fields, ponds, canals, brooks). The data will be linked to the GIS (Geographical Information System) set up by B4.1. In one subcatchment, B5.1 will install a weather station as well as five TDR (time do-main reflectometry) probes and tensiometers. Water flow through the system will be recorded by means of water meters and V-shaped (Thompson) weirs equipped with automatic pressure sensors. Soil and water samples from selected fields sites, pond inflows, and ponds will be regularly screened for agrochemicals using the procedure developed by B2.1 (Ciglasch et al., 2005; see below). Soil and sediment characteristics that determine water regime and soil-agrochemical interaction, e.g. texture, organic carbon content, hydraulic conductivity, partitioning coefficients, and half-life times will be measured in laboratory and field experiments in cooperation with B4.1. In preparation for the next phase, discharge will be assessed and agrochemical concentrations monitored in the main catchment.

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