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Collaborative project: FUGATO-plus - Genetic dialogue - The importance epistatischer mechanisms in the characteristic expression in cattle and swine; subproject Bonn University


Production processes

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Production processes

Project code: 0315130C
Contract period: 01.03.2008 - 28.02.2011
Budget: 154,288 Euro
Purpose of research: Basic research

Currently used for breeding or selection models based on the assumption that the characteristics of additive-genetically inherited. Possible alternative mechanisms of inheritance are not included. Increasingly, however, take notes on that non-additive-genetic mechanisms, such as dominance or significant variation Epistasie complex characteristics influence. In the first QTL mapping experiments with chicken and epistatisch mouse, the genetic variation of 18 different growth characteristics and health, by the QTLs declared, on average about 33%, taking into account the individual characteristics of 0 to 81% varied. This project combines the scientific results of the BMBF-funded QTL mapping programmes in cattle and pork with the new technical and methodological developments in the structural and functional genome analysis in animal. Based on the estimate of QTL interaction effects (statistical Epistasie) for the phenotypic characteristics of different experimental one for beef herd (F2 SEGFAM RF x Cha-Population: milk, meat quality) and pigs (F2-Bonn-Berlin x Minipig: carcasses, Meat quality, health characteristics) of 18 high or extreme low power animals. The biological relevance is determined by the comparative analysis of gene-gene interaction (genetic Epistasie) and the interactions of the gene (biological Epistasie) in the corresponding success bodies of these animals. In addition, in a first approach in the German Holstein population (ADR F2-Holstein Panel) epistatische QTL mapped and their effects on phenotypic Milchleistungs, exterior and functional characteristics. Based on the estimated Epistasie due to phenotypic variation for the different phenotypic characteristics of both species should be improved bioinformatorische and genetically-statistical methods for determining the statistical, genetic and biological Epistasie and models for the mapping of dominant and epistatischen effects developed and appropriate Selection procedures are implemented.

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