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Evaluation and development of modern methods of artificial intelligence for automatic weed detection sorghum using drones (EWIS)


Production processes

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Production processes

Project code: G2/N/19/13
Contract period: 01.05.2020 - 30.04.2023
Purpose of research: Applied research
Keywords: energy crop farming, Sorghum, biogas, plant protection, digital world, digitalization

Sorghum serves as an energy crop and is used in Bavaria primarily for Biogas production. The high biomass output and the large variety in combination with its drought and nutrient efficiency make sorghum a promising raw material crop. Novel technologies, combined with intelligent software, open up great potential in the area of ​​increasing efficiency in agriculture. With help of the most modern methods of machine learning (e.g. artificial neural networks / deep learning), drone-based images of the cultivated areas are to be analyzed.

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